Q+A With Ella Pegram
Keith and Jo’s daughters, Sophie, Ruby and Ella have all been involved in the honey business with Ella recently joining the full-time staff. Learn more about Ella, her favourite honey and why she loves being a beekeeper.
Name: Ella Pegram
Role at TE KAPU APIARIES: Beekeeper
Favourite Honey: Rewarewa & Clover
Go-to honey health tip: You cannot beat a honey and lemon drink when you are feeling sick, best thing you can have!
Go-to honey recipe: Honey marinated drumsticks
Why you love Wairoa: I have always loved Wairoa, it’s only a short distance to lake Waikaremoana, Mahia and either Gisborne or Napier, you get the best of hunting, fishing, bigger city but also living a rural-ish lifestyle. There is also a real sense of community in Wairoa.
Favourite place in Wairoa: Frasertown Tavern and Mahia
What the history of TE KAPU APIARIES means to you: TE KAPU APIARIES history to me is so important. It connects me to my family, the grandfather I never meet, my nana who was a brilliant lady and my parents. Also, TE KAPU APIARIES being in Wairoa and having a lot of ties with the history and development of the Wairoa.
What made you want to work as a Beekeeper: To be honest I never thought I would become a beekeeper. However once finishing university I decided to come home and work and then travel in my off seasons. Now I have been working at TE KAPU APIARIES, I know I would always have something to do with bees in Wairoa. They are amazing little creatures and you learn something new about them every day! Everyday is different and so is every hive.
What makes TE KAPU APIARIES honey different: TE KAPU APIARIES honeys are different as we are focused on the Wairoa region. We have worked with the same surrounding that we have had for the past 70 years. This allows us to be experts of the area and have a lot of mana and passion for the honey we produce and it's all part of our history.